Ecclesiastes Chapter 12
傳道の書 第12章
“Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth,
while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I
have no pleasure in them;” (Verse 1)
『汝の少き日に汝の造主を記えよ 即ち悪き日の来り年のよりて我は早何も楽むところ無しと言にいたらざる先』(1節)
Jehovah God on High, right now from this time on, help me to ever be mindful of Thee, My Creator God,
for all the remainder of my few, short days
under the sun.
Reveal to me what a fearful
thing it is for a human soul to forget their Creator God.
Help me to fully obey Thee and to serve Thee with fear
and trembling.
Save me from the destructive vanity of rejecting and shunning my Creator
God while I live here on earth.
I pray for all young people who are presently in this
life under the sun, that they will remember their Creator God in the days of
their youth.
Please guide them to faith in Thee, Lord Jesus.
Send Thy Holy Spirit into each of their hearts, to powerfully warn
them that evil days will come in the future and that their years in this life
under the sun will ever so quickly draw nigh unto the end.
By Thy Holy Spirit, please send a powerful warning into the hearts
of all young people that it is vain to live for the pleasures of this
present life under the sun, and that those worldly pleasures certainly fade
away ever so soon.
Thus the day will quickly come in which they no longer can find
any pleasure in worldly things.
Please save all people, especially young people, from
the vanity of living for this present world.
Please cause
them to live for their Creator God.
Remind each of us that it is impossible to go back in time and
change our past life that we have lived in vain.
So please save us all
from presently living in any vain way that will bring us regret later,
especially when we are judged by Almighty God.
the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not darkened, nor the
clouds return after the rain:” (Verse 2)
『また日や光明や月や星の暗くならざる先 雨の後に雲の返らざる中に汝然せよ』(2節)
Heavenly Father, please send Thy Holy Spirit powerfully upon me right now for the purpose of teaching me fully the picture of old age that Thou art
portraying to us in the first 7 verses of this chapter.
During our youthful days under the sun, life naturally tends to
have such a bright, promising
outlook to it, symbolized by
the bright light, of the sun on a clear day, the beautiful moon and stars on a
clear night, and the bright sky that has cleared of clouds after a rain and the
clouds do not return soon.
But rather the
sky remains bright and clear for some time.
Also, future potential for one’s life seems so great and so long
However, in contrast to the sparkling, bright outlook of youth,
old age tends to bring on clouds of doubts, fears, worries, and anxieties that
darken the sun, moon, and stars (the bright and happy periods of our life under
the sun).
And even when the skies clear up after a gloomy time of dark
clouds and rain (when the happy and joyful times return), they only last ever so briefly, with the clouds
of gloom and depression returning ever so soon.
Future potential seems to be just about all used up.
Thus clouds of gloom persist.
Lord Jesus, please help all people to remember their Creator God
in those bright, cheerful days of youth, and please guide young people to serve
Thee to the fullest during youth, instead of vainly spending all their life’s energies and resources on
chasing after all the worldly and sinful pleasures they can possibly find.
Save young people from the vanity of living selfishly to bring pleasure
to self.
Warn them strongly of the deep remorse and regret they
will later have, if they live their youth in vanity.
the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men shall
bow themselves, and the grinders cease because they are few, and those that
look out of the windows be darkened,”(Verse 3)
『その日いたる時は家を守る者は慄ひ 力ある人は屈み 磨砕者は寡きによりて息み 窓より窺ふ者は目昏むなり』(3節)
Almighty God on High, please send Thy Holy Spirit into my spirit
to clearly teach me the meaning of these Holy Scriptures.
Is the content of verses 3 thru 6 similes that picture the aging
of the human body and that picture old age in our life under the sun?
Does “the keepers of the house” refer to our body’s fingers, hands, and arms that we use to guard and protect our
physical beings and which we also use to do the work necessary to “keep our
house,” and to provide our physical means of living?
Thank Thee, Lord God in Heaven, for giving me strong and healthy
hands and arms.
What a great use they are unto me daily.
Remind me to always
soberly consider that the
strength of my hands and arms will steadily wane as I age, and that ever so
soon the day will come when my hands and arms will become ever so weak and will
tremble and shake, becoming quite useless.
So please help me to now
earnestly dedicate my hands and arms fully to Thee, my Creator God, for the
purpose of Thee guiding me in the daily use of them.
May the work they do be the exact work Thou hast ordained for them
to do during my life under the sun, and may that work greatly glorify Thee, my
Creator God.
Keep me ever so mindful of the truth that my hands and arms will not forever be strong to do the many things I am
accustomed to using them to do.
Please save me from the vanity of using them vainly and selfishly.
I confess that my fingers, hands, and arms belong to Almighty God,
because Thou hast created them to bring great glory to Thee.
I pray that they will always do just that.
Wouldest Thou please minister
healing and strength to them.
Please guard and protect them from injury for the purpose of these
members of my body working mightily to glorify Thee.
Lord Jesus, does “the strong men” in this verse refer to my feet and legs that are the pillars which
hold up my body and also daily carry me about as I use them for walking and
Please make me mindful that as they age, they will lose the
ability to do those things.
Please help me to right
now, fully dedicate my feet
and legs to Thee, My Creator God, for the purpose of me always using them for
the exact purpose Thou hast ordained for them.
If I am to use my feet and legs in service to Thee, then I must be
vigilant to redeem the time and thus use them while they remain strong and
Remind me that the day will come ever so soon, when they will lose
their strength, bow themselves, and cease to function properly in holding up my
body and in carrying me about where I desire to go.
Save me from the vanity of failing to use my feet and legs to
perform the works Thou hast ordained for them to do during this life under the
Thank Thee, Lord God, for giving me healthy feet and legs.
Please daily minister health and strength to them.
Please guard and protect them from injury.
And please help me to always use my feet and legs for my Creator
God’s Great Glory.
Do “the grinders” refer to my teeth that grind the food I eat to nourish
and strengthen my physical body?
Please keep me mindful that the days will come when my teeth will
begin to fall out one by one, and will no longer be in my mouth to serve the
functions Thou ordained for them.
Remind me of how necessary my teeth are to eat properly, speak
properly, and to sing praises to Thee properly.
Help me now to use them daily to the utmost for Thy Glory.
Cause me to daily give thanks to God on High for the physical
health and strength with which Thou hast richly blessed me, and to use it for
Thy Great Glory.
those that look out of the windows be darkened.”
Lord Jesus, does that refer to my eyes dimming and my eyesight waning and failing.
Thank Thee, Lord God, for eyes with which to see.
How blessed it is not to be blind.
Please help me to fully consecrate and dedicate my eyes to
May I only look upon things that are pleasing to Almighty God on
May I use my eyes much to read and study Thy Holy Scriptures
in Thy Holy Bible, and then obey Thy Words fully,
and also proclaim them to other people as much as possible.
Please heal and strengthen my eyes and my eyesight and help me to always use my eyes for God’s Glory.
I pray for all blind people under the sun.
Lord, please extend extra and special grace and comfort to them.
Also, please guard and protect them from danger as they go about,
not being able to see what is around them.
I earnestly pray these things in verse 3 for myself, and also for all other souls under the sun.
Save us all from
the vanity of failing to do right toward our
Creator God concerning these matters.
the doors shall be shut in the streets, when the sound of the grinding is low,
and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of music
shall be brought low;” (Verse 4)
『磨こなす聲低くなれば衢の門は閉づ その人は鳥の聲に起あがり 歌の女子はみな身を卑くす』(4節)
Almighty Lord God of All True Wisdom, please teach me the meaning
of “the
doors shall be shut in the streets”.
Is that referring to old age, when elderly people prefer to stay
inside their own abode and cease to go out very much due to becoming dreadful,
worrisome, and fearful of everything, as they grow old?
Please work powerfully in my heart to give me a heart to go
everywhere Thou wouldest have me to go, doing and
saying all the things Thou wouldest have me to do and
say in service to Thee, for as long as Thou doest desire that I do such service
for Thee during my life under the sun.
Keep me mindful that as I age, I will steadily lose the desire and
willpower to do such.
Please set my soul afire with zealous desire to serve my Creator
God to the fullest extent possible all day, every day, and may that desire never wane during all my days under the sun.
the sound of the grinding is low.”
Heavenly Father, please teach me what that means.
Does the grinding refer to a person chewing his food?
Does this teach that old age brings on loss of ability to properly
eat to properly nourish one’s body?
Please now set my soul afire to serve my Creator
God to the fullest extent possible, while I still have
much strength, energy, vitality, motivation, and ability to do so.
Fill me with God’s Power from Heaven to serve my God.
Almighty Lord God, does this “sound of the grinding” also refer to the sounds of
everyday work and everyday life that is going on around me?
Does that sound being low refer to my hearing ability deteriorating,
as I grow old?
Thank Thee for giving me the ability to hear.
Please keep me mindful that my physical hearing will deteriorate,
as I grow old.
Please help me to now use it fully in service to Thee.
Please guide me to listen to that which glorifies Thee, and to
shun the sounds and voices that do not glorify Thee.
Please heal and strengthen my hearing ability.
I pray that my spiritual hearing will always be sharp and keen
for all my days under the sun, and that I will always faithful obey Thy Voice each time Thou
doest speak unto me.
“He shall rise up at the voice of the
Lord God on High, help me to carefully observe how that elderly
people tend to rise early, one reason being that sufficient restful sleep tends
to flee from the elderly.
Thank Thee for the restful sleep Thou doest give to me each night
to restore my body after each day’s work.
Please guide me to use all my life’s energies for Thy Glory,
always bearing in mind that those energies fade away as I age, and that certain
death will one day put an end to all I can do for Thee during this life under
the sun.
歳をとるにつれてそれらの活力は徐々に衰えること、また、確かな死は 私が、太陽の下のこの人生の間、汝のためにできるすべてのことに、ある日終止符を打つことを、いつも心に留めておきながら、汝の御栄光のために私がわが命のすべての活力を使えるようにどうぞ導いてください。
“All the daughters of
music shall be brought low.”
Lord Jesus, does this refer to one’s voice weakening with old age?
Thank Thee for giving me the ability to speak.
Keep me mindful that some people do not have that ability.
I now pray for special and extra grace and comfort for all of them.
Thank Thee for
giving me the ability to sing praises to Thy Great and Glorious Name.
Please guide me to dedicate my voice to Thee, my Creator God, and
to always use it for Thy Great Glory.
May every word that comes forth from my mouth be pleasing to Thee.
Please guide me to use my voice first and foremost to pray to God
and to sing praises to Thee.
Please help me to use my voice much to tell others about Almighty God in
Please save me from the vanity of using my voice for my own selfish
I pray these important things for all other souls now under the
when they shall be afraid of that which is high, and fears shall be in the way,
and the almond tree shall flourish, and the grasshopper shall be a burden, and
desire shall fail: because man goeth to his long
home, and the mourners go about the streets:” (Verse 5)
『かゝる人々は高き者を恐る 畏しき者多く途にあり 巴旦杏は花咲く また蝗もその身に重く その嗜欲は廃る 人永遠の家にいたらんとすれば哭婦衢にゆきかふ』(5節)
Heavenly Father, cause me to think on how that elderly people are
afraid of high places and shun them.
Most everything, no matter how harmless and insignificant, becomes
fearful to them.
The hairs of the head turn white like the flourishing almond tree
when it blooms.
Every little thing, such as a grasshopper, becomes a burden to the
Their desire fails and they become void of motivation and desire
to do most anything, no matter how simple.
Lord God on High, if I am to work a bold work for Thy Glory during
my few, short days under the sun, cause me to think on the necessity of doing
it while I still have the strength of my youth with which to do it.
Remind me that the day when I depart this earthly life under the
sun (die a physical death) and go to my long home (eternity) is steadily
drawing near.
Family, friends, and acquaintances will mourn my death, and my
opportunities to glorify Thee during this life under the sun will have ended forever.
Save me from the most regretful and remorseful vanity of failing to take full advantage of each and every
opportunity to serve my Creator God to the utmost during all of my few, short days under the sun.
Set my soul afire with a zealous, burning, consuming love, zeal,
and passion for The Lord Jesus Christ.
Lord Jesus Christ, Thou art All.
Please help me to truly make Thee my All and All.
Please cause me
to be ever so diligent to daily do Thy Will while I live and have breath and
strength in my body.
Please open my eyes to the great spiritual battle that rages
throughout this universe between Thee, Almighty Jehovah God, and the many beings
and forces that have freely chosen to do battle against Almighty God.
Help me to totally yield my entire being, time, and resources to my
Creator God for the purpose of Thee making me into a mighty warrior of Thine.
Please use me to fight for God against sin, evil, and the devil.
I pray these things for all other souls under the sun.
Praise be to God for the Absolute Victory that is in the Lord
Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be
broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.” (Verse
『然る時には銀の紐は解け 金の鉢は砕け 吊瓶は泉の側に壊れ 轆轤は井の傍に破ん』(6節)
Lord God of Infinite Wisdom, does the silver cord refer to my
spinal cord?
Does the golden bowl refer to the brain that Thou didst create
inside my head?
Does the pitcher and fountain refer to my physical heart that
pumps a fountain of blood throughout my body?
Does the wheel at the cistern refer to my lungs that “fan” air and
oxygen throughout my body?
When any one of these 4 vital body organs ceases to function
properly, that condition is most likely to quickly bring on physical death.
Please help me to live each and every day of my life in such a way
as to have no regrets when my physical life under the sun
comes to an end.
Save me from the awful vanity of regret and remorse at the end of my
life under the sun.
I pray these things for all other souls now under the
shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto
God who gave it.”(Verse 7)
『而して塵は本の如くに土に皈り 霊はこれを賦けし神にかへるべし』(7節)
God on High, please save me from the awful vanity of thinking more highly of myself than
I should.
Remind me that I am created by Almighty God from the dust of the earth (such a simple substance), and that one
day soon, my physical body (simple dust) will die and will return to the earth
as it was.
Save me from the vanity of thinking my physical stay under the
sun to be indefinite.
Save me from the tragic vanity of mentally putting far away the day
of my death.
Convince my that I am a triune being, body, soul, and spirit,
created by an Almighty Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Convince me of a most important, unalterable truth, that I am
created as a being that will never cease to exist.
Convince me that when I die a physical death, my spirit shall then
return to Almighty God on High Who gave it to me.
Convince me that tho, at the time I die
a physical death, my physical body made from dust then decays, rots, and thus
returns to the dust from which it was made; yet still the day will come when
Almighty God will literally resurrect this body of mine, and that I will stand
before God to be judged in my entire being, body, soul, and spirit.
Convince me that
if I now repent of my sinful rebellion against my Creator God and trust in the Saviour of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ, that I will
enter into God’s blissful Heaven after this life under the sun, to live in
perfection in Heaven forever.
Convince me that if I refuse to repent to Thee, my Creator God,
and instead, I reject the Lord Jesus Christ as my own personal Saviour, that come Judgment Day, I will be cast (body,
soul, and spirit) into an eternal lake of fire called Hell.
Thoroughly convince me that all the human beings who are cast into
Hell by Thee, Almighty God, never die; but rather weep, wail, and gnash their
teeth forever in the torments of those flames.
Convince me of the reality of that everlasting punishment without
ever any hope of reprieve, painful punishment that awaits ALL Christ rejecters.
Save me from the ultimate vanity of stubbornly continuing on in my
rebellion against my Creator God and thus stubbornly refusing to repent to Thee
and to trust in The Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour.
わが創造主なる神に対して頑固に反逆し続け、こうして、汝に悔い改めることを頑固に拒否続け、わが救い主として主イエス・キリストを信じることを拒否続ける究極の 空しさから私を救ってください。
Please have great mercy upon me, unworthy as I am of Thy mercy and
grace, and save me from the ultimate vanity of freely choosing of my own will
to perish forever in fiery, flaming torments in Hell, rather than to allow the
Loving Lord Jesus Christ to save me.
愛する主イエス・キリストが私を救ってくださることを認めるのではなく、地獄で永遠に火のように、燃えるような苦しみの中で滅びるようとする自分の意志を自由に選択する究極の 空しさから私を救ってください。
Help me right now to honestly, truly, and most earnestly
and desperately cry out aloud with all my feeble might to my Creator God on
High, “Almighty Lord Jehovah God, please have mercy upon me!
Please save me from all vanity.
Please give me a repentant heart.
Please give me living and strong faith to trust in the One, True,
Living God, Who is My Creator and My soon coming Judge.
Please help me, right
now, to fully trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world, to save me from the punishment of my
sins in an eternal Hell.
Lord Jesus, please come into my heart and life right now as my God, my Saviour,
my Life, my Lord, my Master, my King, my Ruler, my Help, my Hope, my Love, my
Joy, my Peace, my ALL in ALL, for the purpose of totally taking control of my life to make absolutely everything about my existence under
the sun into exactly what Thou wouldest
have it to be for Thy Great Glory, and for my own salvation from vanity and destruction and for my own eternal
well being, joy, peace, and happiness.
Thank Thee, Lord God on High, for hearing this prayer of mine and
for answering it in accordance to Thy Divine Will.”
I pray these most important things for all other souls under the sun also.
All Glory be to Almighty God on High, for all the great and wonderful things Thou
doest for us unworthy and undeserving sinners, if only we will earnestly call
upon The Lord Jesus Christ to have mercy upon us and save us.
Please save all of us human souls whom Thou hast
created from all vanity.
of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity.” (Verse
『傳道者云ふ空の空なるかな 皆空なり』(8節)
Heavenly Father, I now honestly confess from my heart to Thee, the
Absolute Truth of this Holy Scripture in verse 8.
This life I now live under the sun is vanity.
For a person to live this life under the sun apart from his Creator
God is the Vanity of Vanities.
All aspects of a Godless life are all absolute vanity.
Please have mercy on me and save me from such vanity.
Right now, please send Thy Holy Spirit powerfully upon me for the purpose of clearly
revealing to me every vain thing that is presently in my mind,
heart, and will; every vain thing there is about me, my entire
being, and my entire way of life that I am now living under the sun.
By Thy Unlimited Power, please work powerfully and unrestricted within me to save me from all vanity.
汝の無限の力によって、私をすべての空しさから救うために私の中にどうぞ力強く、無制限 に働いてください。
Please grant me strong, firm, steadfast, unshakable faith toward
my Creator God and enable me to fully put my faith and trust in the Lord
Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world.
Please have mercy on all other human souls under the sun, and
also save them from all such vanity.
Please turn all our hearts to our Creator God, The
Lord Jesus Christ.
moreover, because the preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge;
yea, he gave good heed, and sought out, and set in order many proverbs.” (Verse
『また、傳道者は智慧あるが故に恒に民を教へたり 彼は心をもちひて 尋 ね 究 め 許多の箴言を作れり』(9節)
Almighty Lord Jehovah God, please show great mercy unto me by
making me fully wise in Thy Sight.
Create within me a burning, passionate desire to be filled with all of God’s Wisdom.
Cause me to diligently study
Thy Holy Bible to gain all of God’s Wisdom the Bible contains for
Please save me from the vanity of foolishness.
Please teach me all Thy Perfect Wisdom that Thou doest
desire that I know, use, and obey during my life under the sun.
Then please enable me to perfectly apply all Thy Wisdom to all aspects of my life under the sun.
Please guide and equip me to teach many other people True Heavenly
Wisdom and Knowledge during my life under the sun.
Please help me to give good heed to all Thy Instructions to me.
Save me from the vanity of turning a deaf ear to Almighty
God’s Voice.
Lord Jesus, please be my Good Shepherd and make me one of the
sheep of Thy pasture.
Teach me to recognize Thy Glorious Voice and please lead me in
paths of righteousness for Thy Precious Name’s Sake.
Show me how to seek Thee and how to seek Thy Wisdom and Knowledge
as if seeking for hidden treasures.
Cause me to set all those Treasures of Thy Wisdom and
Knowledge in perfect order in my heart and mind for the
purpose of putting them fully into practice in my life under the
sun, and also for the purpose of teaching them to everyone else I possibly can.
I pray these things for all other human souls under the sun.
“The preacher sought to find out acceptable words: and that which
was written was upright, even words of truth.” (Verse
『傳道者は務めて悦ばるゝ言詞を求めたり その書きしるしたる者は正直して眞實の言語なり』(10節)
Jesus, please help me to follow the Preacher’s wonderful example here, and seek
to find out acceptable words.
Please guide me to those acceptable words and cause me to find
Please send Thy Holy Spirit into my spirit to teach me acceptable
“Let the words of my mouth, and the
meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my
redeemer.” (Psalms 19:14)
『エホバ わが磐 わが贖い主よ わがくちの言わがこころの思念なんじのまへに悦ばるゝことを得しめたまへ』(詩篇19: 14)
May all the words I think on, meditate on,
speak, and write, be upright.
May all my words be words of truth.
May all my words greatly glorify Almighty Lord Jehovah God on
Please teach me Almighty God’s Pure Truth.
Help me to then obey God’s Truth and to proclaim that Divine Truth
to others.
Please save me from the shameful vanity of vain words.
I pray these things for all other people also.
words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of
assemblies, which are given from one shepherd.” (Verse
『智者の言語は刺鞭のごとく 會衆の師の釘のごとくにして 一人の牧者より出し者なり』(11節)
Almighty Lord God in Heaven, please make all my words the words of the wise.
“He that winneth souls is wise.” (Proverbs
Please help me to be a soul winner and win many lost souls to the
Lord Jesus Christ.
Make my words as goads.
Make them as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, which
are given from one shepherd.
May all my words be wise, pure, and upright
and thus fasten securely onto the hearts and consciences of all souls who hear those words.
May Almighty
God’s Holy Spirit then mightily use those words to work glorious wonders in the
lives of the souls who hear and read them.
Please help me to make Thee my Good Shepherd, and to follow Thee
whithersoever Thou doest lead me.
I also pray these direly important things for all other souls under the sun.
Send the thunder of Thy Power mightily
upon us all, to save and deliver us from all vanity and to make our lives perfect in Thy
further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end;
and much study is a weariness of the flesh.” (Verse 12)
『わが子よ 是等より訓戒をうけよ 多くの書をつくれば竟なし 多く學べば體疲る』(12節)
Jesus Christ, please help me to be properly admonished by all these words of wisdom in this Book of
Ecclesiastes and by all of God’s Words in the entire Holy
Of the many books and writings in this world, please show me which
books and writings I should shun.
Please save me from the vanity of studying that which is not Thy Will
for me to study, but rather is nothing more than a weariness of the flesh and
Please bring all my daily actions into accordance with
Thy Divine Will for my life.
Save me from weariness in this life.
I pray these things for all other human creatures now under the
us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his
commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” (Verse
『事の全體の皈する所を聴くべし 云く 神を畏れその誡命を守れ 是は諸の人の本分たり』(13節)
Lord Jehovah God on High, please cause me to hear the conclusion of the whole matter of my vain existence during this present life
under the sun.
Please teach me the fear of the Lord and help me to truly fear God, the One, True, Living,
Almighty Jehovah God in Heaven Who created me.
Please save me from the destructive and fatal vanity of refusing to fear The One True and
Living God, the Judge of the whole earth.
Please help me to keep all Thy commandments that Thou hast commanded
Save me from the vanity of disobeying Thee.
Teach me clearly all of Thy Commandments and change my
heart into a heart that will obey all Thy Commandments.
Please help me to fulfill my whole duty to Thee, My Creator God,
during my short life on this earth under the sun.
Show me vividly what fearful consequences will befall
me if I fail to do my whole duty toward my Creator God during my
short life under the sun.
Please have great mercy on me and save me from the tragic vanity of failing to do my whole duty to my Creator God during this
short life under the sun.
I pray these most important things for all other human souls presently in this
life under the sun.
God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it
be good, or whether it be evil.” (Verse 14)
Almighty Lord God, convince me that I will soon stand before God’s
Judgment Bar.
Thou wilt of a certainty, judge ever action and work of
mine done thru out my life under the sun.
Thou shalt judge
every secret thing I have thought, said, and done, whether it be good, or
whether it be evil.
Teach me what a fearful thing is Almighty God’s Judgment.
全能の神の裁きは何という恐ろしい ことかを私に教えてください。
Teach me that it is a fearful thing to fall into the Hands of The
One, True, Living God, because our God is a Consuming Fire.
Please come right
now into my heart and create within me a proper fear toward my Creator God.
Please help me to prepare for Judgment Day, by truly repenting to Thee and trusting in the
Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour.
Please enable me to fully yield myself to The Lord God and to completely trust my entire being into Thy Care and Control for
the purpose of Thou, a Perfect God, saving me from all vanity and making me into a perfect human creature during my life under
the sun.
“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is
perfect.” (Matthew 5:48)
Lord Jesus, because Thou doest command me to be perfect, I now
pray to Thee, asking Thee to make me perfect by God’s Almighty Power.
I confess that I have absolutely no power myself, to make myself perfect,
or even to improve my own self in any way.
I confess that all good things come from God on High.
Please fill my life with all the good and upright things Thou hast
ordained for me during my short life under the sun.
Help me to love The Lord God with all my heart and to love my neighbor as I
love myself.
I also pray these things for all other human souls now under the sun.
Heavenly Father, all of these things I have prayed unto
Thee thru out this book of Ecclesiastes, I
have come to Thee in prayer in the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ.
I now humbly ask Thee, for The Lord Jesus Christ’s Precious Name’s
Sake, to please be attentive to all my prayers, and to please answer all of my
prayers in accordance to Thy Divine Will.
I confess that The Lord Jesus Christ is ALL. Lord Jesus, please be
my All.
Help me to truly make Thee, my ALL in ALL.
I thank Thee, Lord God on High, for so graciously and mercifully
hearing and answering these prayers of mine.
To God be the Glory for ALL the Great Things Thou hast done for me
and for all other human souls now under the sun!
Amen and Amen!
(This is the end of
(空の空・空しさの空しさ 第12章 終了)